Action Center
On the 4th of July, 2015, APaCC's Chairman,
Peter Bearse, began a national tour of visits,
public speaking and old-time-for-a-new-age
political evangelism to wake people up and
build APaCC's outreach and membership. So,
now we'll switch you over to Peter, for what
follows begins his personal log of the tour.
My first stop was in Providence, RI, at a Unitarian service at the nation's first Unitarian/Universalist church in the U.S. What a magnificent church and fine congregation! I was warmly received, gave out many freshly printed APaCC brochures and cards, and made several friends for APaCC.
My 2nd stop was at the office of Rep. David Concilline, where I was allotted little time by the Rep's staff. Notwithstanding, I was able to ask two key questions: (1) What is the Rep. doing to "fix" or reform Congress and (2) What is the staff's person-to person outreach into the district? There was no time to ask a 3rd, more important query: What are the Rep., his staff and his offices doing to empower constituents more than himself?
The staff member did not know the total budget of the office. The average congressional office cost taxpayers about $2 million, and what does the average taxpayer get for that money? Darn little. Congressional offices are part of incumbents' reelection machinery. One of the major offerings of APaCC is the design of a congressionla office that would empower the people of each congressional district.
More on this soon. I'll seek to visit at least one congressional office in each of the 88 places on my itinerary. More important, I'll be seeking out lots & all sorts of people in all kinds of settings, including Rotary Clubs, senior citizen centers, fraternal societies and sisterhoods, civic associations & political clubs, etc.
JULY 12, 2015 >> Too much time was wasted over the last few days of the week gone by because of needs to iron out kinks in the scheduling, travel, equipment and traveling aspects of a tour.
GENERAL OBSERVATION: The positive response was highly heartening and .
{ 1 }
News: As coverage relevant to the People’s Congress appears; e.g., announcements from candidates to whom we should send our questionnaire; notices of rallies for support of legislation important to People’s Congress members, such as voting rights and “Right to Know” laws and “Move to Amend” rallies.
National Tour.
{ 2 }
Congressional campaign events.
Events planned by other, collaborating organizations in which the People’s Congress would play a role.
Unconventional political events to support goals and candidates of the People’s Congress, such as rallies, demonstrations, occupations, petitions and boycotts.
Events to be reported daily during our upcoming national speaking tour.
On the 4th of July, 2015, APaCC's Chairman,
Peter Bearse, began a national tour of visits,
public speaking and old-time-for-a-new-age
political evangelism to wake people up and
build APaCC's outreach and membership. So,
now we'll switch you over to Peter, for what
follows begins his personal log of the tour.
My first stop was in Providence, RI, at a Unitarian service at the nation's first Unitarian/Universalist church in the U.S. What a magnificent church and fine congregation! I was warmly received, gave out many freshly printed APaCC brochures and cards, and made several friends for APaCC.
My 2nd stop was at the office of Rep. David Concilline, where I was allotted little time by the Rep's staff. Notwithstanding, I was able to ask two key questions: (1) What is the Rep. doing to "fix" or reform Congress and (2) What is the staff's person-to person outreach into the district? There was no time to ask a 3rd, more important query: What are the Rep., his staff and his offices doing to empower constituents more than himself?
The staff member did not know the total budget of the office. The average congressional office cost taxpayers about $2 million, and what does the average taxpayer get for that money? Darn little. Congressional offices are part of incumbents' reelection machinery. One of the major offerings of APaCC is the design of a congressionla office that would empower the people of each congressional district.
More on this soon. I'll seek to visit at least one congressional office in each of the 88 places on my itinerary. More important, I'll be seeking out lots & all sorts of people in all kinds of settings, including Rotary Clubs, senior citizen centers, fraternal societies and sisterhoods, civic associations & political clubs, etc.
JULY 12, 2015 >> Too much time was wasted over the last few days of the week gone by because of needs to iron out kinks in the scheduling, travel, equipment and traveling aspects of a tour. Nevertheless, there were a few memorable and fruitful stops along the way.
VISIT 2.4: Seniors' Center
SPEAKING: YES!, at the invitation of Gwen Mitchell, the Center's Director. At the end of my 5 minute “elevator pitch,” I asked the assembled to sing “God Bless America” with me. That went over so well that Gwen asked me to sing some more, so I then sang “Go Down Moses” and “Joshua 'fit the battle of Jericho.” A good time was had by all.
GENERAL OBSERVATION: The positive response was highly heartening and highlights my past experience with seniors of all races: They represent the best of American citizenship. They, too, are troubled by the corruption and dysfunction of Congress.
July 9, 2015 [Thursday] – PLACE #3: New Haven, CT
VISIT 3.1: West Haven Rotary Club, App's Restaurant, 283 Captain Thomas Blvd., WestHaven
VISIT 3.2: Dixville/Newhallville Seniors Center at 255 Goffe St.
VISIT 3.3: Congressional District Office of Rep. Rosa DeLauro [D, CT 3], meeting with staffer Alison Dodge
Alison noted that Rosa is very popular. She was reelected with 73% of the vote in the 2014 congressional election. She is now serving her 13th term. Coming from an immigrant family, Rosa is endeared of Congress as a great American institution and so does not view it critically as do some other members. She believes that congressional service is a “big deal.”
On the congressional reform issue, Rep. DeLauro has introduced bills designed to counter the Supreme Court's Citizen-United decision and has co-sponsored related bills introduced by Rep. Larsen. The problem she sees in the Congress is lack of willingness to have any substantive discussion of issues. There is little talk or art of compromise across the aisles. For example, a few days ago joint sessions were held but little changed. Too many members are not interested in serious governing. Too many are interested in tearing the institution down. House budgets have been cut every year over the past six (in addition to the Sequester, still in effect with respect to the Congress. See Legislative Storm with more on budgets.
Three satellite offices help to supplement the main district office. There are five interns each serving 3-5 days per week in her office. They are manned on a circuit rider basis in other than federal facilities, as follows: > Middletown, in City Hall;
> Naugatuck, in the town library; and
> Derby, in City Hall or the train station.
There are 25 towns in the CD. Rosa places great emphasis on constituent service. Staff hours typically run more than 40 / week. Services are provided to meet demand for them, but there are limits to staffing, both part-time and full-time.
Outreach into the community includes reading programs for kids, Kick Butts CT, anti-crime youth council, grants work, women's economic agenda and health-related programs. There is a monthly newsletter and increasing reliance upon IT social media, plus tele-town halls and neighborhood office hours, some in supermarkets, similar to having an “office on a street corner.” The Representative is not fond of the apocryphal “Town Hall” or community forum modalities. See her newsletter on the office website.
I asked whether congressional office employees, as federal employees, fall under the Hatch Act limiting their political activities. Alison said “yes.” I promised to send her ApaCCs “Short List” of recommendations to “Fix Congress.”
July 13, 2015 [Monday] – PLACE #4: NEW YORK CITY
VISIT 4.1: The Working Families Party, 1 Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY, ,11th fl., 718-222-3796
VISIT 4.2: Rotary Club of N.Y., Harvard Club, 35 W. 44th St.
VISIT 4.3: New York Public Library, corner of 42nd St. & 5th Ave.
Like that of Hartford, this library proved to be a most productive site because of the presence of hundreds of people sitting just outside of it. The actual site is Bryant Park, which provides tables and chairs for people to meet, eat and talk both front and back of the library, though most of the space is in the back. I canvassed both parts.
VISIT 4.4: Bob Cohen, Fairway Restaurant, on Broadway between 74 & 75.
Bob is an old friend from my graduate school days in Manhattan. We had a good reunion over food, drink and conversation. I introduced him to APaCC.
January 14, 2015 [Tuesday] –
VISIT 4.5: Columbia University, Students for Environmental and Economic Justice, Earl Hall, Dodge Rm.@9:30 a.m. But the student group was not meeting in the summer, a fact that a little advance checking would have revealed.
VISIT 4.6: ABSW Seniors Center [ABSW is short for “Association of Black Social Workers], 221 W. 107 St.
This was yet another fruitful and enjoyable visit with a segment of America's best citizens. The only waft of cold air The gathering at the ABSW Seniors' Center was nice, but the visit was somewhat spoiled by an overly officious and controlling Director, Stephen Ayo Adeyinka, F.R.S.H., M.P.H., PHD [as cited on his card]. He reminded me of Mr. Glass, the President of the Rotary Club I first visited in Connecticut. I'm sure books have been written on how to deal with such people, but I haven't read one. Perhaps I should.
VISIT 4.7: Chinatown Rotary's weekly lunch meeting at Hop Lee Restaurant, 16 Mott St.
This was the most fruitful and enjoyable meeting thusfar. The Club's President, Taylor Askew, provided a warm welcome from the moment that I opened came in the door looking like a wet rabbit coming in from the rain. She expressed immediate interest in my “APaCC” reason for being there and invited me to say a few words. An interesting discussion ensued and continued as others there introduced some of their own thoughts and ideas. Unlike the Hartford Rotary or the ABSW, I was able to pass around my brochures and cards – with encouragement rather than objection. Another guest was there from out of state, name of Ash, from California. When I told him I'd like to visit with him when I got there, he offered to make arrangements so that I could Unlike the Hartford Rotary or the ABSW, I was able to pass around my brochures and cards – with encouragement rather than objection. Another guest was there from out of state, name of Ash, from California. When I told him I'd like to visit with him when I got there, he offered to make arrangements so that I could speak to 4 clubs in his area. I've come to think that Rotary Clubs may be critical to advancing fulfillment of APaCC's mission. Most of their members are already leaders in their communities. So I need to sharpen and clarify my message to them, concluding with an explicit appeal to “Join me – this is the only way to effect, peacefully, a new American Revolution to fulfill the promise of the old.
VISIT 4.8: Central Park – The scene there was one of constant movement. The park favors walking over sitting. There's hardly a chance to canvass people on the move. Walking and talking go together, and people usually don't want either to be interrupted.
PLACE #5: Jersey City, NJ
July 15, 2015 [Wednesday] – VISIT 5.1: Rotary Breakfast, Al's Diner, Communipauw Ave.
This visit crapped out because a taxi driver couldn't find the place even though he said he could. At least he was honest enough not to accept my offer of a fare.
There were three additional visits on my schedule but they all had to be canceled because they were not within walking distance of the subway stop where I got off from New York and I had parked my trailer at a friend's summer place in Wurtsboro, NY.
VISIT 5.2 [et al.] – Nellie Grier Seniors Center
Visit didn't materialize because of the factors noted above. Thus, neither could I attend four other events on my schedule, including visits to two other seniors' centers, a Rotary luncheon meeting,and a visit to the Newark STAR LEDGER.
PLACE # 6: Philadelphia
VISIT 6.1: Rotary Breakfast Mtg., Country Club Restaurant, 1717 Cottman Ave.
Even though there was no opportunity for me to speak to the group, I received many good receptions in ones to fours, as I interacted with folks at my table and after the breakfast.
VISIT 6.2: Senior citizens' center at 642 N. Broad St.
They already had a guest speaker lined up, but I was able to interact with nearly everyone there, cite the purpose of my tour and leave them with brochures and cards. The group was diverse and receptive. I was able to canvass all but two tables.
The most interesting person was Sarah. She's a very dynamic woman of diverse experience and strong opinions. She told me how, after serving in her neighborhood's political committee, she had moved out for 10 years and then returned, shocked to find it “destroyed”. She said that she was given the cold shoulder by those she had known earlier, as if they knew that she knew that they were either actors or somehow complicit in the neighborhood's downturn. She attributed the loss mainly to money and political corruption. Moving to the purpose of my tour, she agreed that Congress, too, was corrupt and dysfuntional. She agreed with my statement that “only “We the People” can fix it” but was at a loss as to how. I hope that the photo I took of this remarkable woman with my new cellphone will do her justice.
Visit 6.3: A little after 4 p.m., I went to 1907 S. Broad St., the location of the district office of Rep. Robert Brady. The woman at the reception desk said that there was no one else there and she was leaving for a personal emergency. So, no visit.
Visit 6.4: I had on my schedule to visit another district office – that of Rep. Chaka Fattah – but the office was not to be found at 4104 Walnut St. I consulted with a nearby police officer but he didn't believe the address contained such an office, nor was Rep. Fattah anywhere to be found.
PLACE # 7: Washington, D.C.
VISIT 7.1: I got started in the wee hours of the morning and rushed to park in the lot of the end of the yellow line – New Carrolton – but nevertheless arrived ½ hour late to my first visit – a 7:15 a.m. break-fast mtg.of a Rotary Club at one of my longtime favorite places, the Dubliner near Union Station. My throat was typically so dry I couldn't even spit, so I got an orange juice but that was it – I had missed breakfast and they had a lot of business on their agenda. I was able to meet several Rotarians and share information with them regarding APaCC following the meeting.
VISIT 7.2: Congressional offices of MoC's in the House office buildings, including those of:
Elijah Cummings [D, MD1], in R 2230
Rosa DeLauro [D, CT ?], in R 2443
]Jim Himes [D, PA ?], in Longworth [L] 1227
Chakah Fattah [D, PA ?], in L 2301
Robert Brady [D, PA ?], in L 102
Elinor Holmes Norton [D, D.C.], in ? 2136
Seth Moulton [D, MA6], in L 1408
Fran Guinta [R, NH 1], in Cannon [C] 326
Ami Bera [D, CA 23?], in L 1535
Senator Elizabeth Warren [D, MA], in SH 317
All of these except the offices of Rep. Baker and Sen. Warren, were visited. Only Michelle, Legislative Aide in Frank Guinta's office, devoted time to meet with me. Among the others visited, two staffers said they would send me an email scheduling a meeting the next day (Wed.); the rest suggested I email or call them with regard to a possible appointment. All of them were “busy,” caught up in short-range immediacies. I suspect, however, that the fact that nearly all Members of Congress don't care to have any time spent with those who are not their direct constituets, explains most of the brush-offs. This tendency is evident in MoC websites. Members ask site visitors to enter their zipcodes so they can tell who is a CD constituent and who is not.
VISIT 7.3: Crystal City Rotary Club breakfast mtg., Crystal City Sports Club,29 23rd St. S., 7:30 a.m.
This was a small group meeting. There was no chance to speak, but I was able to canvass most of the members, from whom I received positive responses. One was enthusiastic. We talked further as he gave me a lift back to the Metro, and I've already followed up with him since.
VISIT 7.4: Washington Rotary Club, University Club, 1135 16th St., N.W., 2nd floor 12:30 p.m.
This is the largest Rotary club yet visited. They already had lined up a speaker, so there was no chance to speak, but I managed to canvass most of the members, many of whom remained in conversation after the meeting was adjourned. I also gave a complimentary copy of my book to the club's President. He said that I could have an opportunity to speak to the group in the future, albeit not soon since the club was fully booked.
VISIT 7.5: Rotary Club dinner mtg – wasn't at the time and location indicated by
VISIT 8.1-8.3: The three scheduled visits – to a Rotary break-fast, seniors' center and congressional office – all had to be canceled because of problems with trailer and its tires.
VISIT 8.4: To an auto repair shop to get a new spare. While waiting,I introduced the owner to APaCC. He was genuinely interested, so I left him a bunch of our brochures. Shortly thereafter, I called him to follow up. He said he'd already given out four and needed more.
VISIT 8.5: St. John's UCC Church
This visit, like the first one, was akin to a miracle. I found the church by chance, walking around the neighborhood after Mary Ellen and Aris had said: “There's a church up the street.” Actually, there were 3. I picked the most magnificent and beautiful church, like a small cathedral. Like my UCC church in Exeter, the pastor is a woman, very open and welcoming. That Sunday was a special welcoming day. The reception featured a large birthday cake in honor of a 90 year old parishoner. I was able to sit and talk with folks after the service. I met nearly all who stayed for the reception. During the service, I asked for their prayers to guide and guard my travels.
The Seniors Center turned out to be an administrative office, not an activity center and, notwithstanding help from my smart-phone's GPS, I was unable to find the Eastside Rotary Club's lunch gathering at the Ivy Hills Country Club [CC]. Ivy Hills is way out of town, so I'd have been late even if I found the CC. And yet, the foray was a learning experience in more ways than one. I saw close-up where the better off class of Cincinnatians live in their “Country Club Community.” Then, in the early afternoon, I left for Indianapolis.
VISIT 11.1: Brownsburg Rotary Club lunch meeting
No chance to speak except a minute recognizing some reason to be “happy.” The club already had a speaker lined up, who spoke on “Rebuilding Community.”
I spoke to many before, during and after the lunch. Most of those present received the APaCC brochure, and I believe that most of them will look it over.
VISIT 11.2: District office of Rep.Susan Brooks [R, IN ?].
I met with staffer Andy King. He was quite open to cooperation on the matter of reforming Congress. I emphasized that the goal is not at all partisan but a “win-win” for all and that any Member running for reelection who got behind it would win significant support. We agreed that there is no existing congressional committee, including that on government oversight that “fits the bill” of “Fix Congress.” He was interested, therefore, in the idea of establishing a joint caucus to advance such an agenda. He said he would share the APaCC brochure with Rep. Brooks.
VISIT 11.3: Office of Rep. Andre Carson [D, IN 7]
The office was dark at 9. The office Director, a young woman, Megan Sims Wilmes, opened the office and spoke to me while fielding constituent calls. She was receptive on the issue and further contact and said she would look at our website. Andre is a member of the Black Congressional Caucus. I mentioned that we were pushing establishment of a bipartisan caucus to “Fix Congress.” She cited the historic low in Congress' approval rating. Megan cited Andre's co-sponsorship of bills to “end Citizen's United.”
With respect to citizen outreach, Megan cited monthly “Congress on Your Corner” sessions, job fairs (one upcoming in August), forums and other significant outreach. Andre's grandmother was a Member of Congress, too, and he learned a lot from her, especially about Congress in the '90's.
I promised to send her our “Short List” of fix Congress propositions to continue our interactions.
VISIT 11.4: To the Active Day seniors' center
Though this was on my schedule, I was unable to get to the center before the early lunch noted below.
VISIT 11.5: Carmel Rotary Club, lunch mtg. at 12 in the Mansion at Oakhill.
VISIT 11.6: Fishers Rotary Club, dinner mtg. at 7 in the Delaware Township Community Center, Fishers Town.
I was unable to find this address, partly because my GPS was not working and because people I stopped to ask upon entering the Town of Fishers did not recognize the address provided.
Notwithstanding the last two disappointments, my visit to Indianapolis was productive. The city is a very interesting place. All the people I met are kind, courteous and invariably helpful. Altogether nice.
POSTSCRIPT: The first month has been full of problems, only a few of which have been noted earlier. There have also been wonderful moments. Not the least of these have not been reported because they have been instances of random acts of kindness by several individuals. These include a few that were down and out. Their gifts to me were of another kind – of their good examples in the face of adversity. I only wish that my writing could do them justice – far more justice than the iniquities of life have accorded them. They struggled to maintain their inherent dignity in the face of deprivation due to factors beyond their control.
VISIT 12.1: Jefferson County Library, on Saturday, Aug. 1st.
This was a day for catching up and planning next steps. I thought Seymour was a backwater until I discovered their handsome, fine and up-to-date library. I was able to spend nearly the whole day there planning forthcoming visits in Louisville, Lexington and Chattanooga, plus finishing and getting off to the APaCC Board and a few others a report of my first month's activities. While there, I continued my role as an evangelist/proselatiser for APaCC. The brochure, with a few words to introduce it, found its way into several eyes and ears in the library.
VISIT 12.2: Sunday, Aug. 2nd – the First United Methodist Church [founded in 1925].
Like other churches along the way, I discovered this beautiful church by driving around. Not quite an accidental discovery, however, for I looked for steeples. Walking around it, I made another discovery: A handsome monument of chiseled granite presenting the 10 Commandments with an additional message: “Some people may ask that this be removed from their sight, but they cannot remove these from our hearts.” I would add: “These words may be taken for granted but they cannot be removed from this granite.” Anyway, I immediately knew that I had found the right place.
The service was lovely but there was no reception afterwards. It's a good thing that I arrived at the church over ½ hour early. I had a chance to meet with many over coffee then and introduce them to APaCC and got good responses. I gave a copy of my first book to each of the two most interesting, Steve Freeman and Billie Mae Wintin, with whom I'll be following up.
VISIT 13.1: Ruckkriegal Senior Citizens' Center, 10631 Watterson Trail: This was the most grandiose such center that I've ever seen, seniors in a large, tall, handsome old building capped by a peaked roof with a coat of arms above the lintel and thUe center's name in big, black letters below.
Unfortunately, I was rushed because I had to travel some distance to make the next event, and yet, I canvassed the Center in less than ½ hour. I would have liked to stay for lunch. Noticing one of the denizens intently reading, I inscribed and gave to him a complimentary copy of my first political book. Why? – Because he said he would read it after he finished the one he was on.
VISIT 13.2: Southwest Rotary Club lunch, 8/4/15 [Tues.], Logan's Roadhouse, 5229 Dixie Highway
This turned out to be a null visit. Why? – Because when I showed up at the “Roadhouse”, I was told by the official greeter that the event had been moved to the evening, at another location. She did not no where. So, after driving half an hour to be there, I was SOL. I would have called in advance if the Rotary website provided contact numbers, but no – the only failing of an otherwise excellent website. Nevertheless, I should have thought to call the restaurant. I had already called another restaurant in advance of an event noticed online – A Libertarian gathering, but the restaurant had no notice of the event. This would have been my first outreach to a politically activist group.
VISIT 13.3: Joe Gerth, political reporter for Louisville's main newspaper, the COURIER-JOURNAL. Joe was still on deadline, but he came downstairs to sit talk to me. He was receptive; he took notes. He asked good questions. Unfortunately, I didn't underline the urgency of the situation of our democracy – that it had already, practically been taken over by a small political class and other wealthy elites.
VISIT 13.4: Office of Rep. John Yarmuth [D,IN 7?]. The blond woman who came out to talk with me was pretty snitty, trying to blow me off from the outset. After I highlighted what APaCC was up to and Yarmouth's substitute for our recommended Caucus to Fix Congress. I didn't see the overlap and she didn't try to tell me what it was. It appears, however, that the major common denominator is that they are both stillborn. I'll try to follow up with Yarmuth on this and read more about him in the POLITICAL ALMANAC [which, unfortunately, I left behind].
PLACE #14: Lexington, KY
VISIT 14.1: Lexington Public Library
This has become typical. The first place I visit is the local public library – and such a set of great libraries have I visited! WiFi is the need; a library is practically the only place I can make a connection. Some folks have suggested McDonalds, but that doesn't work for me nearly as well as a library. I also get to introduce my self and APaCC to a few folks and donate a copy of my book to the library. It has also been a place where, if I tuck myself in a corner, I would be able to make a few calls via Skype – until Skype introduced a new system.
VISIT 14.2: Lexington PAL Seniors Center: I chose to visit this one (of two) because it seemed easier to find. Find it I did, but it turned out to be an administrative center, not one where I could meet other seniors. Obviously, I need to take at least a little time to call before showing up. This is the second time I've traveled to a center only to find no seniors.
VISIT 14.3: Georgetown Rotary lunch meeting: This also turned out to be a dud. I mistook the day. It happened yesterday. Here again, a call to the restaurant would have saved time and travel.
VISIT 14.4: District office of Rep. Andy Barr [R, KY 6]. This visit made up for the earlier flops. I rank it as the best CD office visit thusfar. The Office Director, Tyler White, hit it off bigtime. Almost immediately, I felt that I was in the presence of a near soulmate when he expressed “pain” at the low rates of voter turnout and political participation [PP]. I had been feeling this pain for years as I watched decades-long negative trends in PP. He readily grasped APaCC's purpose and printed out a set of relevant bills that his “boss” had introduced. Yet, unlike his female counterpart in Rep. Yarmuth's office, he did not claim to be “doing it all.” He was very open to suggestions. He said most people don't understand or appreciate how the work in Congress affects every state, industry, person and organization. He stressed “oversight, transparency and accountability” as major concerns of Rep. Barr and his office. He also noted that “there is no artificial separation between the D.C. office and his CD office. A couple of other directors have said: “We don't deal with legislation...only constituent services – casework.” His view and experience are that that latter, plus openness to ideas from constituents, are fuel for legislation.
He agreed that my “3C's” approach would be the basis for a working relationship focused on “Fix Congress” that could be mutually beneficial. When I cited the need for a Bipartisan Caucus to Fix Congress (or some similar title), he was also agreeable. In a similar vein, he mentioned the informal gathering of freshmen Members that had gotten together to share ideas. I forgot to ask whether he had heard of the “Caucus on the Future” proposed by Rep. Yarmuth [D, KY?], but I'll put this and a few other questions to him when I send a follow-up email upon arrival at the Knoxville Library early tomorrow. I also need to send him our “Short List” of fix-Congress proposals plus our suggested model for CD offices. He made it clear, as a former officer of the U.S. Marines, that he was determined to run his office so that it provided maximum service to constituents with high efficiency and effectiveness.
VISIT 14.5: Office of the Fayette County Democratic Party: I've got major party offices on my list, but this was the first one visited. Unfortunately, the County Chair, Clint Morris, was not in. So, I got to have a pleasant conversation with his two lady assistants. They confirmed what I had learned during my campaigns – somewhat artificial separations between the party and the campaigns of its candidates. I introduced both of them to APaCC and they left a brochure with my card on Mr. Morris' desk.
VISIT 14.6: Office of the Fayette County Republicans: Here again, I came up short but not entirely. I arrived to find a campaign meeting in progress. I spoke to one of the office staff and left a half-dozen brochures for distribution to others.
VISIT 14.7: The LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER (the city's major newspaper): At 3 pm., I thought that I had timed my visit to coincide with completion of deadline work for the next day's edition, but no: The political reporter who stepped out to see me hadn't quite finished. Nevertheless, we had a good conversation for 10-15 minutes, and he seemed interested in my mission. So, I'll follow up with him via email.
PLACE #15: Knoxville, TN
VISIT 15.1: O'Connor Senior Center: Visited this center because it serves an early lunch. Arrived at 10:30. Both the Ctr.Director and Pgm. Manager were out or busy, so I waded right in to meet my fellow seniors. One, John was particularly chatty and politically interested. He suggested I talk with Jim. Bad advice. I spent too much time with both. Nevertheless, I managed to meet and share the APaCC brochure with about half of those present before the Program Mgr.finally made her appearance, saying: “We don't do that here” [pass out anything that even smells of politics]. Such people need to be retrained. They have no idea of what it means to be either an individual or organizational citizen of a democratic republic, nor any inkling of the parlous state of that republic.
VISIT 15.2: North Knoxville Rotary Club Lunch: I got there right on time, which meant too little time to circulate and get acquainted with folks before they sat down to lunch at separate tables. Then I made the mistake of choosing the wrong table. The women to my left and front were like stones across the way. Anyway, I struck up a conversation with the guy on my right and, superficially, with a couple of others at the table. Fortunately, there was a better chance to get acquainted after their sports' announcer speaker had finished his specious sports blather, because a number of members tarried after mtg. adjournment.
Indicative of the speaker's lack of depth was his answer to the question I asked during the question period: “Now that we're into the media circus of a presidential race, how do you respond to those who say that 'politics is not a spectator sport.' He replied: “I have to pass on that one.” Anyway, I at least exceeded my minimal threshold of six people canvassed.
VISIT 15.3: Congressional Office of Rep. John Duncan: A truly minimal visit. Only two staff assistants were present, both of whom denied any knowledge of legislation. The others were visiting the northern part of the CD. So, after introducing my self and the APaCC mission, I simply left brochures and cards for the office director and congressman.
VISIT 15.4: Knoxville's leading newspaper: The SENTINEL-LEADER: The gatekeeper was gabbing on the phone, so I betook myself up to the editorial room, where I asked to see a political reporter. One named Scott Walker was pointed out across the room, observing a training session through a one-way window. Eventually, another staffer went over and told him I was waiting. I intercepted him as he came towards me. I introduced myself and my mission. We had a brief conversation while standing, he took my handouts and we exchanged cards. One handout was a complimentary copy of my first political book. Scott asked me to sign it for him. I said I'd sign it if he read it.
VISIT 16.1: THE PUBLIC LIBRARY – Another fine library in a central place, the hub of a hub & spoke library system. Unlike the libraries visited earlier, however, this one mounted security hurdles that made it less easy to get online. A young librarian lent a hand and we both learned something in the process. I briefed her on my mission and handed her a brochure.
VISIT 16.2: St. Paul's Episcopal Church – A large edifice, handsome from the outside as seen by one driving around. Definitely grandiose and beautiful on the inside. I could hardly keep my eyes off the multitude of variegated, wonderfully designed, stained glass windows, brilliant in the morning light.
The congregation was correspondingly large, but not one but two receptions – one before; the other, after church -- enabled me to meet most. Folks in Chattanooga are so welcoming! One of them, John Coffelt [], was so taken with my mission that he immediately donated $100 – a freshly minted Ben Franklin! Many others tucked our brochure into their side pockets, saying they'd like to review it later. The pastor's sermon, on Y'all, offered a nice complement or reinforcement to
VISIT 16.3 [Monday, August 9]: Office of Rep. Chuck Fleischmann – The Assistant District Director, Bob White, and an intern were the only two staffers in the office. I spoke to the ADD only briefly. He was already late for a morning appointment. Bob gave me his card and asked me to follow up with him. I will.
VISIT 16.4: Chattanooga Seniors' Ctr. – I tried to call in advance, left a message and decided to take a chance that seniors would be at the address for the center that I had obtained online. No such luck; it was the address of a senior day-care center. The only other one on my list did not serve lunch. Thus, I decided to start immediately for Nashville [overlooking the fact that I had not visited the local newspaper].
VISIT 17.1: District Office of Rep. Jim Cooper – I met with their Counsel, Alandis Brassel. I emphasized that I was there seeking common cause with regard to a “Fix Congress” agenda. He mentioned that Rep. Cooper had supported term limits and “No Budget No Pay” but would have to review the Representative's portfolio of bills to find others. I mentioned that finding congressional candidates for endorsement who gave priority to our Fix Congress goal was like looking for needles in a haystack. He said he would send me a list of relevant bills by email.
VISIT 17.2: This was remarkable for not happening – the first time that I was not able to identify a senior citizens' center to visit. One reason was advance calls and care in selection. I insisted that a center serve lunch – more for the sake of sociability than stomach.
VISIT 17.3: Madison Rotary Club lunch mtg. at 12 – Far out of the downtown; nevertheless, I arrived early to the meeting place, Ryan's Buffett – a gourmand's delight. The club had already asked one of its members, a young, talented real-estate agent, to make a presentation but, as the only visitor from out-of-state, I was able to take a few minutes to present myself and my mission. Introductions and conversations both before and after the meeting enabled me to get better acquainted, especially with Don Knotts, who liked to talk about economic issues. Nearly everyone was receptive to both the diagnostics and prescriptions of APaCC.
VISIT 17.4: THE TENNESSEAN, Nashville's major newspaper – I called the Political Editor, Dan Gang, who put me onto one of his reporters, Dave Boucher [a French name to be pronounced Booshay. Even though Dave was still under deadline, thus rushed, and so didn't ask questions, he seemed quite interested in APaCC and its mission. We exchanged cards. He looked forward to receiving more information. I gave him a complimentary copy of the first book in my “We the People” series.
VISIT 17.5: McDonalds, a.k.a. “Mickey D's – One of the few places which is a WiFi “hotspot” 24/7 and where one can work without disruption as long as one is relatively insensate to background noise.
To such a setting I was able to retire around mid-afternoon. I needed to devote some concentrated time to once again try to solve two problems: (1) How to get into the APaCC website in order to edit and add updates on “The National Tour” (as titled in the “Events & News” section of the website,, and (2) Most urgent: How to get our “Donate” button on the website to work. Progress was made with the help of an hour's worth of give-and-take over the phone with a consultant [though the employing organization had to be badgered via email to even provide a phone contact number], though some additional work is needed to solve the “button problem.” I also got to pass out a few APaCC brochures to some of the others hanging out there. Never lose an opportunity to awaken another patriot.
VISIT 17.6: Rotary breakfast mtg. at 7 – It was an ordeal to find the site – City Cafe – because it was in a suburban mall, not the “city,” but I was relentless in the search and found it. Though only arriving a few minutes early, I was able to canvass most of the attendees. They had a dairy farmer to speak, but I was able to introduce myself and APaC's mission by putting a “happy dollar” in the hat [an old Rotary custom]. Many scanned the brochure and/or took it with them. Unfortunately, I left my coffee and bag with brochures and notes behind.
VISIT 18.1: Rotary breakfast mtg. [Thurs., Aug. 13th 7 a.m.] – I didn't arrive early enough into St. Louis.
VISIT 18.2: St. Louis Public Library, Thurs., August 13, 2015: Like the other big city libraries visited – A thoroughly modern library in a magnificent structure. I had time only to check email and refine the day's scheduling, not to add to the tour narrative, nor to fix the button.
VISIT 18.3: 5 Star Senior Citizens Center, 2832 Arsenault St.– A center well-named. After I told him that the State Dept. of Aging had directed me to him, the center's Executive Director, Michael Howard, gave me a warm welcome, suggested I introduce myself and my purpose, and circulate among the folks before lunch – all offers I couldn't refuse. So, I readily launched into my “Congress is broke; only “We the People” can fix it” elevator pitch. Then worked the crowd. Nearly everybody wanted one of our brochures. They reached out for them. There were also a lot of good questions and only one cynic among them. I suggested we sing together, but one woman asked me to sing “Amazing Grace.” I really wanted to join them for lunch, but I had to run to my next visit.
VISIT 18.4: St.Louis Rotary Club lunch mtg., Missouri Athletic Club – This is a big club. There were over 100 people in attendance. Unfortunately, I got there a bit late, just after everyone was seated and they had already started to serve lunch. So, introducing myself and my mission were temporarily confined to my table – until after lunch. Then, I did my best to catch others but only about a dozen, as most attendees had to get to work. One, Tom Teasdale, took an interest so I gave him a complimentary copy of my book and a promise to follow up [and no spam!].
VISIT 18.5: City Event for seniors – I had found an announcement of this online but couldn't get confirmation by phone after more than one call.
VISIT 18.6: St.LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, the city's prime newspaper -- “Prime”? Not in light of my experience. This was the only paper thusfar that wouldn't even let me approach a receptionist. More like the typical member of Congress who requires one to fill out a “contact” form and then refuses to see anyone from outside of the CD. So, I filled out a form requesting a meeting and never got a call back.
VISIT 18.7 [Fri., August 14th]: St. Louis Activity Center (for seniors) – Another fruitful visit with seniors: I knew I'd be unable to stay for lunch [though invited to do so], so I circulated among tables and chairs to introduce myself and APaCC, and give out brochures, cards and a book. The latter was given to the last person I talked with, a Libertarian named Daniel Garvey, who seemed especially take with APaCC's mission. I'll follow up with him via
VISIT 18.8: Rotary Club lunch mtg., Nick's & Elena's Pizzeria in the suburban town of Ballwin – A most delightful meeting with members of the smallest club yet, with only five members present. The President instantly asked me to say a few words. They responded with several good questions and expressed interest in learning more. Befitting my financial circumstances and economist role, I ordered a Po'Boy sandwich, which was eagerly consumed. I exchanged cards with one and all so that we could follow up and stay in contact. The Pres.& I had a photo taken of us shaking and hugging in front of the Rotary banner. I seem to do much better 1:1 or with small groups.
VISIT 18.9: Congressional office of Rep. Ann Wagner [R, MO 3]. I was greeted by Congressional Aide Jordan Fears, who immediately informed me that no one could meet with me because they were in the midst of finishing some important task of the week. So, I told him the purpose of my tour and left a brochure, my card and a complimentary copy of my WtP book for him and others among the staff. He gave me one of his cards to I could follow up. He didn't bit when I mentioned that I'd be happy to meet with him Saturday.
VISIT 18.10: Back to the library, late Friday and early Saturday, to establish a schedule of week in Kansas City and....? + try again to solve the BS problems that have plagued the tour thusfar: the Button and Skype. Good news, just breaking, is that, for a fee, of course, Carmine's friend Lee may be able to solve the button problem.
VISIT 18.11: Sunday, usually reserved for church, but this Sunday [8/16] I'll attend a morning mtg. of secular humanists. Good choice? One can only guess. There are some beautiful churches in St. Louis. I wanted to visit the Christ Church Cathedral, right next to the library and opposite corner from my location, but could not once I found that the truck wouldn't start. So, I had to call AAA again and wait for a jump. Once the truck was restarted, I had to let it run for ½ hour before starting out.
Anyway, the Ethical Secular Humanists' [mostly atheists, I am told] meeting was indeed the right choice. Their meeting place is a striking modern design with an inspiring interior to the “sanctuary”(if one can call it that. They also have a fine organ and (church?) choir. These folks use their “service” to present speakers on public issues. Today's speaker was a scientist from Monsanto talking about GMO's. Yet, a member of the congregation (?) who had prepared a rebuttal was not allowed to speak, and any Q&A was reserved for the post-service coffee reception. There was none immediately following the presentation. I reminded those with whom I was conversing of Karl Popper's admonition: “The greatest enemy of an open society is a closed mind.”
Following the secular service, I was able to convey APaCC's mission to at least 20 of the congregants and arouse the interest of some in joining. Following the coffee hour, I left for Kansas City, inspired by the symbolic power of the Gateway to the West, the great and beautiful arch of St. Louis.
VISIT 19.1: Platte County Senior Resources Center [Monday, Aug. 17th] – This stop wasn't even on my list. I discovered it quite by accident as I was looking to visit Rep. Sam Graves' [R, MO 6] District Office. The Director was not in, so the receptionist gave me his email address and said to send him a note requesting a meeting tomorrow. Then, strolling around, I entered the Center through its back door.
The Director, a woman chary of politics like so many, asked me to place a small bunch of the APaCC brochures on a table so overburdened with such a variety of informational items that it's a wonder if anyone could find anything of interest or use. So, I gave her some to place [Later, I couldn't find them.]. Next time I face this sort of nonsense, I'll have to tell a center director to stop treating her charges like children. Anyway, I proceeded to introduce myself to everyone in the room, table by table. I left a brochure at each table and told folks that the director had left a pile of them on the table outside. Thus, I was able to canvass the seniors and earn positive responses. There was only one negative voice – from a cynical old fellow. I told him that he was too young to be a cynic.
VISIT # 19.2: Overland Park Rotary Club luncheon – This was a first-class affair, what with table settings, waiters, and a Vice Admiral for a featured speaker. The club is large. The event was attended by about 100 [10 tables times 10 per table]. I was introduced as a visiting Rotarian from NH and had no chance to say otherwise except in my one-on-one to one on three interactions, which went well. I got there early hoping to meet more people before the meeting started. I did, but find it hard to break off conversations once begun. The Chairman of the Speakers' Committee invited me to come back and speak. The challenge of approaching Rotary on anything that smells political is a problem I have addressed in writing. It is challenge repeated at least a thousand times over with other presumably non-political, do good, not for profit organizations who don't seem to realize that citizenship, not only individual but corporate, entails responsibilities as well as rights.
The main afterthought following the lunch was that I've got to begin to identify potential local chapter chairs among those that I meet who (almost invariably) respond positively to the APaCC diagnoses and prescriptions I share with them.
VISIT 19.3: Congressional office of Rep.Emanuel Cleaver [D, MO 5] – The District Office Director was not in, but I had a good conversation with one of the case workers. She said she would share my ideas and materials with the Director. She also suggested I send an email requesting a meeting tomorrow. I resolved to do so immediately following the early a.m. Rotary breakfast on the morrow's schedule.
VISIT 19.4: Gladstone Rotary Club breakfast meeting – A medium-sized club with a fine, welcoming crowd. I was able to stand up and briefly introduce myself and my mission. I woman named Barbara Madden, a teacher, highlighted blatent racist segregation among privatized “public” schools in Mississippi. We talked afterwards and identified some shared concerns, so she might join with us. I also talked and left brochures with at least half a dozen members.
VISIT 19.5: Dave Henning, political reporter and commentator for the KANSAS CITY STAR – I had seen the latest number of the newspaper and read Dave's column in advance of our meeting. He had said to meet him downstairs at 11:30. I was right on time even after suffering a couple of wrong turns enroute. He had promised me only 10 minutes. We talked nearly ½ hour. He asked good questions. He must have liked most of my answers because he said there might be something in the STAR tomorrow. We'll see.
VISIT 19.6: Kansas City Rotary Club luncheon, Hilton Garden Inn – This was a fancy, big-club event. I was able to talk to many attendees, both before and after lunch, acquaint them with APaCC and arouse some interest. All agreed with the diagnosis; some wanted more information on our prescrip-tions, which I promised to send.
VISIT 19.7: Don Bosco Senior Citizens Center – Wanted to visit but discovered that the right-rear tire of the trailer, which I had observed to be somewhat soft, was even softer. I realized that it needed air immediately, so I stopped at a garage to ask where I could get it. They said they had an air hose that I could use if I could turn the trailer around and bring it in closer. One of the young employees did this for me after observing that I wa pretty clumsy at trying to do it myself. I'll never be hired for ability to drive a rig! From the old owner on down, the whole shop was very helpful to this northeastern ut-of-state dude. They diagnosed the leak, got me a new tire and cut $10 off the bill.
VISIT 19.8: Olathe Rotary Club dinner mtg. – This turned to be a “happy hour” gathering – the first such I've ever attended – just drinks, snacks, no speaker and good conversation. A Jewish woman and her goyishe husband were especially interesting and interrested. She handed me a $20 contribution as I was leaving.
PLACE #20: TOPEKA, KS, August 19, 2015
VISIT # 20.1: McDonald's on the way in – I finally discovered what I'd been looking for – a place where local people hang out. I had a chance to introduce myself and APaCC to several other patrons.
VISIT # 20.2: Congressional Office of Rep.Lynn Jenkins [R, KS 2] – I met with the District Director, Bill Roe. He was both welcoming and forthcoming. We met for over half an hour in his office. When I told him that there was no caucus devoted to congressional reform, he said that the “No Labels” - inspired caucus was such a group. The it became clear that it was only devoted to reducing the hyper partisanship that has poisoned congressional proceedings -- a worthy endeavor but ignoring reform in other ways. Bill said that the lack of interpersonal relationships among Members was due to a trend home rootedness location focus. Members were more prone to return to their districts on weekends rather than live in D.C. Thus, there was less socializing among Members.
He also remarked that there had been a long-term continuity in the office's staffing, which effected long-term relationships with government agencies and familiarity with government “process.” I then asked: “What about electronic voting for Members so that they could spend even more time in their districts?” He responded that electronic voting raises questions about the centralized power and “pageantry” of Congress and that it portends substantial institutional impact(s). It would pull powe aay from Washington. [Note: To me, this implies that electronic voting should be part of the APaCC reform agenda.]
As far as his office's ability to help constituents organize and act politically is concerned, Bill noted that Members are quite constrained in this regard. At first, I thought he was referring to Hatch Act constraints, but no: He cited how the FEC and House Ethics ENCommittee stipulate “rules of engage-ment” for Members, though FEC rules are primarily concerned with campaign finance. See, for example, the Ethics Committee's “Notebook” (on their website). This is the first time I have had these references brought to my attention. We need to pay them close attention.
VISIT 20.4: August 20th , at McDonald's (#2) – Another visit for reasons indicated earlier, and nearly as productive as the first.
VISIT 20.5: Lulac Senior Center – Not being able to stay for lunch, there was no chance to speak. Given another director chary of anything political, I probably wouldn't have been allowed anyway. So, I sat myself down at a table with my senior peers and we proceeded to have a real, good set of interac-tions. At least a few took an interest in APaCC and I left some brochures for others.
VISIT 20.6: Topeka Rotary Club lunch at the famous Jayhawk Theater – What a crowd! Here was a great turnout of one of Kansas' largest clubs. The historic theater was an attraction. It is being renovated. Though I arrived early, I was unable to talk to more than 20. Their preppy, prissy President, Curtis Sneden, seemed quietly horrified that somebody might take even a few minutes to touch on anything that smelled of politics. It's this kind of attitude among non-profit organizational leadership that needs to be challenged and changed. It's the crux of one of the most vicious of vicious circles promoting antipathy to people's political involvement – good folks staying away because they think politics is tainted and politics tainted because they stay away. Nevertheless, I got several people interested in our “Fix Congress” undertaking, partly because of some good advice tendered by Linda Ireland. She told me to look for Dan Martindell. Roger Aeschliman recommended two others for follow up: Mike Ryan, former newsman in Topeka, now with the AUGUSTA CHRONICAL, and Billie Morris, the paper's owner.
VISIT 20.7: TOPEKA CHRONICAL-JOURNAL – As usual, I visited the prime local paper to find a political reporter I could talk to, deliberately timing my visit late in the day following deadlines for the next day's number. No luck. The reporter, Tim Carpenter, was not in, so I left my brochure and card so that either one us could follow up by phone. I had called the paper's political editor to say that I'd be stopping by. I called Tim's number a couple of times, hoping to get a meeting. Still no luck.
PLACE #21: WICHITA [Friday, August 20th at 12]
VISIT 21.1: Linwood Seniors' Center – I arrived about 9:15 a.m., before a car out to pick up seniors in the neighborhood had arrived. I engaged the few there in conversation. The Director, like so many others, was a constraint, certainly not a source of encouragement. She told me to leave a few brochures on a table. As if anyone would feel inspired to pick one up and look it over. These social service agency “directors” understand neither the real (actually quite weak) legal constraints limiting political involvement of the 501(c)(3) legal form under which they work, nor the political responsibilities of not-for-profit corporate citizens. They hide their fear and/or loathing of politics behind their “good cause” facade and treat their clients like children. Thus, I left.
VISIT 21.2: Fire Department's Engine 6 – Right across the street from the Linwood Center. I knocked and was welcomed by a young officer. He and his brothers were interested in what I had to say. This visit made up for the latter.
VISIT 21.3: Derby Rotary Club – Derby is a suburb of Wichita – We met in the Town's Public Libra. What a fine facility for a place with less than 25,000 people [though growing rapidly]. The club is also impressive, with about 100 members, most of whom showed up at the meeting. Though there was no opportunity to speak, I met and talked with over a dozen members, some of whom expressed interest in joining APaCC. Club President Michael Harper's telephone no. is 316-788-7223. I'll be following up with him.
By this time, my original supply of 2,000 brochures had dwindled to no more than twenty, so I started to ration the supply and be more selective in handing them out. I'll place an order with VistaPrint for another 2,000 to be delivered to my daughter Ruth so that I can pick them up in Seattle. In the meantime, I'll have to reproduce color copies at a cost of 50 cents per brochure.
VISIT 21.4: WICHITA EAGLE, the city's dominant newspaper – I arrived at 4 after the usual late-day deadline but couldn't raise a political reporter since he wasn't there. I called Deputy Editor, Tom Shine, at 316-268-6268, hoping he was in, but he had already left for the weekend, so I left him a message.
VISIT 21.5: Was hoped for but did not materialize. This was the first time I had managed to find online the name of a political activist attached to a place [after repeated Googlings (is this a word?) seeking “political activists in_____”(name of place). Louis Goseland is a founder of Kansas People's Action. I emailed him [see text below], hoping we could meet; there was no reply. I'll try to raise him again when I have a chance.
At the end of the day (and week), I decided to head west to Dodge City.
VISIT 21.6: Quite unplanned – The “Oasis” on Rte.50 West out of Wichita – I stopped here for gas as my needle was nearing empty, and I was facing a long road to Dodge City. The owner/operator, Jose Flores, was a politically astute guy who had been elected to his town's council, then resigned after a year because he thought he fellow counselors were getting into shady doings. When I told him what I was up to, he took an immediate interest, reading our brochure carefully and asking questions. We exchanged cards and I gave him a complimentary copy of “We the People”[WtP]. He said he'd read it and get back to me. We agreed to follow up.
This confirms my intuition: For me, 1:1 is best, though if I had more opportunities to speak, I'd show that my 1:many is pretty damn good! Good news in the 1:many dept.: My megaphone works. Now I can go to state fairs like the one I missed in Des Moines!
PLACE #22: Dodge City / August 23, 2015
VISIT 22.1: The First Assembly of God [FAG]. I would have loved to sport a pair of sixguns and a cowboy hat, but Sunday service wasn't the right place. Anyway, all I had to “sport” was my NRA membership sticker on my truck. I own no guns and I had lost my hat. When you're looking for a church wherever you are, you can most certainly find one, so I did; I looked; I found.
The church reminded me of my earlier one on Rte. 125 in NH – Grace Ministries International [GMI]. GMI's Pastor Alan bore a curious resemblance to FAG's Pastor Dave. Both are passionate holy roller sorts of salesmen. Both services were heavy on congregants' participating. We had a laying on of hands for one who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. This brought back the memory of the congregation of Grace Ministries International crowding around me when I sought their prayers for Brande.
Another, Mark Mach and his Burman wife, Sanu, invited me out to lunch with their three children. I was not able to speak from the pulpit but managed to have conversations with several parishioners, especially Mark and the pastor, so I'm sure that some good will come of my presence there. Mark was already helpful in showing me how to find Walmart, McDonald's and other places where I needed to go. He teaches psychology at a local community college.
VISIT 23.2: McDonald's – I followed Mark's advice the following morning. Sure enough, there were a number of older adults there seeking breakfast and conversation. I was able to introduce at least six to APaCC. People were curious and positive. Most agreed that Congress needs to be fixed. A said so without any prompting from me.
VISIT 22.3: Senior Citizens Center –
VISIT 22.4: Rotary Lunch –
PLACE #23: Pueblo, CO / Wed., August 26, 2015
VISIT 23.1: Rotary Breakfast mtg., Gaby's Diner, 7 a.m. – I arrived there at 6:40 to a diner completely darkened, no cars in the parking lot and no sign of life. I waited a few minutes and then left, thinking that the meeting had been moved or rescheduled. Well, it turned out that I was wrong. When I called the restaurant later in the morning to find out what happened, they reported that the meeting was going on. All I could do is ask the woman who answered the phone to extend my regrets.
VISIT 23.2: PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN [Pueblo's leading newspaper] – Here was another disappointment. I had called political reporter Peter Roper earlier and left a message regarding y mission and desire to talk with him. I arrived at 9 the paper's offices. Again, I was too early. I learned that editors and reporters didn't start their day until 10 since they typically work late the night before. So, I left a note and a complimentary copy of my book, hoping to catch up with Peter later. As it turned out, I was not able to catch up with him.
VISIT 23.3: Scott Office Products, 315 S. Union Ave. – I stopped here to replenish my supply of brochures. Though I had brought 2000 with me, the supply had already run out, though I had thought it might see me through to Seattle.
This visit, however, turned out to be far more fruitful than a pit stop to resupply. Elaine Vanotti, the proprietor, is one politically concerned, energetic woman. She immediately tuned into the APaCC mission. We had one fine conversation. So, I also gave her a signed copy of my book. I'm following up with her this morning. I'm sure she'll join. I'd like her to be our point person in Pueblo.
FROM THIS POINT ON, PLEASE LOOK TO CONTINUE THE TOUR NARRATIVE IN THE "NATIONAL TOUR" SECTION ON THE "REPORTS PAGE" The narrative has gotten too long to be continued here Comments and feedback are appreciated. Send any such to And many thanks for your interest and attention.
People To Reach Their
Full Potential as Public Citizens
>> of “We the People,” by way of…
More & better information to be supplied by Congressional Offices
Frequent opinion polls of both voters and non-voters.
Issues polling and/or surveys.
Enabling informal constituent voting on legislation or issues.
Assisting constituents’ self-organizing around issues.
Helping constituents to rally, demonstrate or protest on issues of their most heartfelt concerns.
Promoting and assisting the organization of independent citizens’ committees to advise government officials on legislation, questions and regulations -- Lobbyists neither wanted nor needed!